Thursday, August 19, 2010


Today we made the ultimate decision- Skittles or Starbursts! I know, I know- it was tough! In our voting activity we made a choice between the two candies. Majority rules, and Skittles won!  We then had to vote on what to do with the bag of Starbursts. After a class discussion, we decided to give them to another 2nd grade classroom. With another vote in order, Mrs. L's class won! We presented them with their bag of candy and came back to class to review the rules of voting. Below are rules brought to you by MB and KC- in their own words!

Rules of Voting
you  have to be a good citesen.
you dont tell your friends who to vote for.
you  dont always win.
 you vote on a ballot.


Skittles please!

Skittles again!!

That's another vote for Skittles!

Typing up the rules- after a rough draft

Finishing touches on the blog!


  1. Good Job Hannah! :) But... you should had voted for Starburst!
    -Cousin Whitney, Miss Dennis & Lucy.

  2. Love the blog..great idea! Super pics and posts so far!
